Vote for Rocky and Bella to win Best in Rescue!
$348 raised
$500 goal
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Rocky and Bella are 12 year old Bassett hound siblings adopted on 07/19/2015 from Suncoast Bassett Rescue.
They were marketed as "thousand dollar hounds" (jokingly) with ears that were long enough to break records (true). Rocky & Bella like to make noise, but are otherwise okay and were original members of the dog bar. They sometimes get bored and just bow out and take a nap after 15 minutes but are pretty excited at first. Rocky has a cute howl that makes everyone laugh. Stubborn on leashes, but in a funny houndish way. If things are overwhelming, I'll take them out. Both dogs are bilingual, and once went by the rock star names of "Macho" y "Believe." Rocky & Bella have been tricked into thinking lettuce is bacon because Mom is a vegetarian and will go to extraordinary lengths to secure just one bite. They can walk on two feet and eat off of countertops without even being told to do so. They are widely known as the only dogs to have lived at Jack Kerouac's house in St. Petersburg since his death. They studied writing at Eckerd College (came to class when I was a professor). They used to be able to high five each other, but have kind of aged out of that. Sometimes, they will "high five" each other by touching a foot (boths paws on one human's foot) now.