Vote for Raleigh Roo to win Best in Rescue! image

Vote for Raleigh Roo to win Best in Rescue!

$55 raised

$500 goal

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Raleigh Roo is a 3 year old terrier mix adopted on 8/28/2020 from SPCA Tampa Bay.

He has overcome so much from suffering neglect as a puppy leading to hind limb amputation, to recently undergoing an invasive osteocorrective surgery on his only remaining hind leg. SPCA Tampa Bay took great care of him as a pup & found him his forever home with me! Raleigh does not let 3 legs slow him down as an avid swimmer, AKC Fast CAT participant, & attempting to climb trees to chase every squirrel! He is a true tripod hero living every day filled with adventures of walks at the park, exploring the beach, attending fundraisers, & going to Dog Bar! He is also in training as a scent detection service dog & soon plans to work as a therapy dog. Roo is the happiest ambassador for rescued, bully breed, & special needs pets, each day reminding us humans about perseverance, truly living every day to the fullest, & perfectly representing the unbreakable bond between a girl & her dog!