Vote for Niles to win Best in Rescue!
$425 raised
$500 goal
We are no longer accepting donations on this campaign, but there are other ways for you to support us today!
Niles is a 4 year old chihuahua/Shih Tzu/terrier adopted on 11/01/2019 from Pet Pal Animal Shelter.
Niles is one of 3 dogs and leads the pack. Being the bravest, against the onslaught of Amazon deliveries, he is the chief security home protection officer. He helps mom in the garden and is also the resident backyard chicken herder. Never neglectful he is daddies ride or die and bedtime snuggler. Being merely 4 pounds he fits in any handbag for discreet transport... but don't let size fool you, Niles is a fiesty tug of war champion and beats his 8 and 12 pound housemates regularly. He loves all and gives the sweetest little kiss to friends and strangers alike.