Vote for Meg to win Best in Rescue! image

Vote for Meg to win Best in Rescue!

$545 raised

$500 goal

We are no longer accepting donations on this campaign, but there are other ways for you to support us today!

Meg is a 5 year old Border Collie adopted on 7/23/2019 from the Humane Society of Boise, ID.

Meg is the best companion a guy could have. A collector of bones, likes cats and makes friends were ever she goes and she goes most places with me. I adopted her while on a 6 month road trip and visiting my niece. She road tripped and camped with me for 7500 miles back to FL. Meg ended up in the humane society because her owners went to jail for something and had to be surrendered so they put her in jail and I broke her out LOL. She is named after my niece Meaghan because I couldn’t adopt her as I was not a resident of ID. The second picture is the day I adopted her with my niece.